Fighting For Election Integrity

"The Court of Criminal Appeals needs to uphold Texas law and the Attorney General’s responsibility to defend it.”

— Gov Greg Abbott

"If the court’s decision stands, certain rogue county and district attorneys will be allowed to turn a blind eye to election fraud, and they will have the final say on whether election fraud is prosecuted at all. To me, this is completely unacceptable."

— Lt. Gov Dan Patrick

 “This Court has violated basic separation of powers principles by legislating from the bench. The Court’s decision to eliminate the authority of the Attorney General to prosecute election law violations implicates the interests of RPT, Republican voters, and candidates because it affects the security, fairness, and integrity of elections in the State of Texas”

Texas Republican Party Chair Matt Rinaldi 

In the battleground of Texas justice, a dangerous game unfolds. Judges Michelle Slaughter, Barbara Hervey, and Sharon Keller, parading as conservatives, now face damning accusations of abandoning their duty. 

Their latest move binds the hands of the Attorney General, snatching away the power to nail election fraud. It’s not just an overreach; it’s a gut punch to every Texan who cherishes fair and safe elections. 

Slaughter, Hervey, and Keller—once champions of conservative values—are now accused of ditching their duty. Ignoring election fraud is like hacking away at the soul of our democracy.

We’re standing on the edge, staring down a renegade judiciary that threatens the heart of our democracy. It’s time to rip off the facade, expose their betrayal, and demand that the law isn’t just a suggestion—it’s the backbone of our state. If we don’t act, big Dem counties will get a free pass for their reckless DAs who turn a blind eye to crimes that rock the foundation of our electoral system.

  • Michelle Slaughter

  • Barbara Hervey

  • Sharon Keller